Saturday, 6 August 2016

Social Media Marketing

Simple Strategies to Amp up Your Restaurant’s Social Media Marketing

Today’s savvy restaurant owners and operators recognize the importance of having a social media presence. The conversation is no longer about IF you should invest resources into social media marketing; it’s about HOW to maximize social media marketing conference the opportunity. Did you know that people check their mobile devices upwards of 150 times per day? Considering that smartphones account for 70% of all time Canadians spend on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other popular social networks effective social media marketing facilitate unprecedented potential to connect with patrons and prospective visitors. Below we explore three simple strategies to amp up your restaurant’s social media marketing that you can social media as a marketing tool start implementing today! About to take the plunge? Before your restaurant or foodservice dives into the world of social media, it is critical – as with any marketing investment – to research which channels make sense for your business. After doing a little digging, you will quickly find that each social media network’s user base social media marketing pricing will be more popular among certain demographics than others. For instance, Instagram is the most popular network among Canada’s youngest. 29% of Canadians who use Twitter are parents. 75% of Canadians who social media marketing blog use Facebook earn approximately $80,000 to $100,000 annually.* Insights such as these come in handy when deciding where to exert your social media efforts. Often, particularly for smaller businesses, there simply social media marketing experts aren’t enough resources to set up, manage and accelerate five social media channels simultaneously. Choose one or two wisely to start and master it. So you’ve set up your social media profiles, but are struggling to create or diversify your content. What if the social media marketing articles burden of creating effective marketing pieces could be lessened? Social media makes this possible. Whenever a visitor posts a selfie on your patio or shares a picture of their favourite dish from social media marketing dallas your restaurant, it is effectively an endorsement that you can re-share on your profiles at no cost. Facebook has a “share” button built in and Twitter features a retweet button, making sharing incredibly easy. There are a number of apps that enable you to re-share Instagram posts, too, including InstaRepost and RepostApp. You can also take a screen learn social media marketing capture and manually upload the image to Instagram, but if you do this, always be sure to credit the original source in the caption by tagging them. User-generated content is successful because it adds dimensionimportance of social media marketing to your presence. It’s not straightforward self-promotion, it’s regular, everyday people sharing their real experiences. A user posting an attractive image from your location with a positive caption is tantamount to a positive review. This is critically social media marketing agencies important because “88% of people trust online reviews from strangers as much as personal recommendations. The social media marketing landscape is constantly in flux and there are many strategies that can help your restaurant cut through the noise of competitors. The three search and social media marketing tips we have shared here are designed to pump up your success – regardless of whether you’re about to launch, a new business or well established and looking to try something new. We’d love to hear about social media marketing applications what your restaurant or foodservice location is doing to stand out on social media! Tell us in the comments below or reach out to us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Business Ideas For The Shoestring Budget

In the past couple of years we’ve witnessed the growth of literally hundreds of businesses that started with a few guys in their college dorm or in their parents’ garage. Tune in to Shark Tank any night marketing using social media and you’ll see at least one group of kids who took some idea they funded with the money they were making at McDonald’s and are now looking for venture capitalists. The internet has completely revolutionized los angeles social media marketing the way that we find work and the manner in which businesses interact with consumers. You can get your logo designed by a guy in Bangladesh for a few bucks and have some college kid in California write social media marketing university review you a decent copy for almost nothing. All you need is an idea and here are seven that we’ve come up with. You just need to run with them. As a billionaire Mark Cuban famously said “it’s not in the dreaming, facebook social media marketing it’s in the doing.” If you’ve got a lot of experience or a degree that isn’t exactly marketable at the moment, you simply might not be looking in the right place. There are several tutoring services online disadvantages of social media marketing that are constantly seeking more people. If you’re a math whiz or an English junkie then there’s a ton of demand, everybody from high school kids getting ready for the SAT to graduates preparing hotel social media marketing for the GRE are looking for tutors. And 95% of the time you can do it from the comfort of your living room via Skype. Sites like Etsy have changed the way that people are buying online, nobody is shopping at Pottery Barn when they can get a handmade piece of furniture from an experienced woodworker. A friend atlanta social media marketing of mine makes his living building driftwood furniture and selling it via Etsy. And the site has opportunities for people to make anything from t-shirts to dreamcatchers. So if you’ve always been great at making how to do social media marketing sweet hemp bracelets then it’s time to go into business for yourself. For bonus points, take a few minutes to build a Pinterest page for your business because social media marketing is free. It seems wild but social media marketing trends people are actually paying for services as simple as watering plants and picking up the dry-cleaning. handymen social media marketing new york and personal assistants. It’s quick and easy to sign up or if you’re feeling ambitious, put in a little time and build your own network of steady clients. Your aunt’s collection of Billie Holiday records social media marketing pdf or the portrait of Jimmy Buffet that you found sitting on the curb might not be worth much to you, but to somebody else that’s just what they’re looking for. It’s incredibly easy to find stuff to sell on Ebay, go to local thrift social marketing mediastores and buy all the ties they have and then market them as vintage eccentricities worn in the style of Gregory Peck and you’ve made a two weeks’ pay. Just make sure you deliver every time and you’ll get a 5-star seller rating. There are a lot of businesses that know they need to engage people via social media but they have no idea how to do it. If you’re a millennial social media for marketing then you’ve spent your entire life on social media anyway. You know how it works, what sort of content engage people and what falls flat. Build a flashy website and market yourself as a social media virtual assistant. Then hit the streets social media marketing course and get a few customers. Be sure to manage you time well, do a good job and watch your client base grow. Why work for a PR firm when you can start your own? If you’re a word nerd or journalist b2b social media marketing recently looking to reinvention yourself people are willing to pay for quality writing. Content is the new commerce, and if you know how to pump out good copy for website, sales copy, ebook or write bios social media marketing plans then you should already be writing online for one of the hundreds of services out. This is a business you can do it from wherever you want. Jeremy Atkins, one of the co-founders of social media marketing podcast, an online writing service, says “we started in a dingy living room and in a few months we were in an office with a full staff of writers.” Every business wants a good online reputation and almost all of them are real estate social media marketing willing to pay to get it. There are a lot of websites where small businesses can buy positive Yelp reviews and these sites are always looking for writers. The pay is sometimes meager, but there’s no reason social media marketing blogs to work for them when you can start your own company selling reviews, it’s a market where there’s quite a bit of room for new players. There are hundreds of ideas just like these that you can do from the comfort of your own home. We decided on these seven social media marketing chicago because they’re cheap, quick to start and the return-on-investment is almost guaranteed. Of course, if you want to see the money rolling in then you have to work hard to get your name out there and generate business, but when you’re doing it for yourself, you’re the boss and able to make your own hours. All you have to do is remember hard work pays off.

Social media trends which will rule the rest of 2016

It’s 2016, and social media is no longer a buzzword. It is inches away from becoming one of life’s basic necessities. Can you stay away from Facebook for an entire day? More and more people are discovering business opportunities solely through social media. Social media is not just for young people anymore. Considering how social media brand marketing it encompasses everything from Facebook and Twitter to the new kids on the block such as Snapchat, it is little wonder that social media is the way to reach out to more people and redefine interactions. Here are a few trends cost of social media marketing that will catch up in a big way. The rest of 2016 has a series of festivals coming up, and as every Indian knows, festivals equals shopping. Roposo is making great strides in helping people discover more of what they like and brands define social media marketing that may not have otherwise gained much traction. Likewise, several Instashops have mushroomed on Instagram (where else!) that allow people all over the world to buy clothes they fancy. This year could see this trend extending social media marketing plan pdf further with both Facebook and Twitter trying to introduce a way to buy products directly from their platforms. You don’t just like, retweet and re-pin something anymore. You send emojis and share Dubsmash social media marketing best practices videos. You put on a funny face and Snapchat with friends. Snapchat is proving to be a great tool for bloggers to interact with their follower base. Fashion bloggers now use their Snapchat account to share everything from the process of getting a new how to start a social media marketing business haircut to interacting with people at an apparel store. Depending on the niche you’re in, using a specific social media interface could help you interact with existing followers and maybe even discover new ones. With live streaming of videos emerging as a trend, most of us are now watching more videos than ever before. Couple this how to social media marketing with the advent of 360° videos and photos and you have a whole new way of looking at the world. Videos of waterfalls and roller coasters that look all too real are already doing the rounds. With Mark Zuckerberg announcing that Facebook can now accept uploads of even 360° photos, images such as this one have gone viral. While they’re relatively new, it’s easy to imaginesocial media marketing 2014 them being used to sell products such as cars or property or to give users a virtual tour of a shop. Use social media tools that work for you. Don’t be afraid to try everything out. With new trends coming up every other day, best social media marketing it is important to be aware and pragmatic about what to use and what to avoid so that you’re not bogged down by the marketing frenzy. If you’re not sure of how to manage your social media interactions, these resources can help.

Social learning comes of age, how prepared are you?

Nearly half of formal learning is forgotten within the first hour itself, according to the great German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus, who discovered the famous Forgetting Curve. Yet, marketing by social media it is surprising that our formal education system – including our schools, colleges and universities – has primarily relied on rote learning or information-dispensing methods for years. Till about a few decades back, schools, colleges and even professional organisations saw learning happening through structured modules, social media marketing courses and programmes delivered by the ‘head’ of the class, typically a teacher or trainer, to a group of passive listeners. Even with digital platforms, the basic structure of learning remained the same, with just automation and social media marketing strategy technology enhancing the delivery methods. And then, in strode social media and completely redefined the way people searched and consumed content. Not surprisingly, it made an impact on learning and development, social media marketing plansetting the stage for social learning. A term devised by Albert Bandura in 1977, social learning has been reinvented and has emerged as the single most powerful factor revolutionising modern education. With the Internet exploding social media marketing companies with information resources and tools for learning, teachers are no longer the fountainheads of information. Formal learning systems have just not been able to keep pace and have become more obsolete than ever. A rote chapter social media marketing university on the Renaissance is just no match when augmented reality apps enable students to ‘experience’ the Renaissance era. For the current generation of digital kids who start using tablets and smartphones even before they can talk, social media marketing services social learning is not just an alternative but an inherent way of life. The limited knowledge of a teacher falls way short of almost the infinite expanse of knowledge that students what is social media marketing get through shared Facebook/Twitter links, YouTube videos or Quora threads. Now instead of students having to find information, the information itself finds the students in the form of shared blogs, social media marketing jobsvideos and podcasts. Social learning is not an alternative but the norm and the tool that will shape the education of tomorrow. Kids no longer need to be told where they need to social media and marketing look for a particular piece of information. What they need is a secure and structured setting wherein they can use the resources of their choice (text/audio/video) to discuss, social media marketing agency communicate and collaborate, thereby making learning more engaging and immersive. While learning platforms have long been integral to school and college education, most existing tools and systems fail to deliver a truly social media marketing company collaborative learning experience. Most LMS are either restricted to automating formal learning or adding in a few social media tools to round off. Students and teachers need a secure platform that allows social media marketing plan template them to work on shared documents, make and exchange notes, start live chat or conference calls and start discussion threads with fellow students. All this within a single-point secure encrypted environment that prevents any possibility social media marketing world of the content getting leaked or any copyright violations. They need a smart platform that saves every interaction with the context of the topic, section, notes and other reference materials along with a date and time stamp, creating social media marketing tips a robust content archive. Tools like Skype, Google Drive, OneNote and OneDrive are some of the most widely used channels to share content, communicate and work together. Integrating these cloud technologies social media marketing tools with learning management systems is critical for making your digital education platform truly social and value-driven. The last thing students and teachers need is to rely on multiple tools to share and access different forms of content or different channels every single time. A unified interface that drives all activities marketing social media is central to making social learning integral to digital education. Content gamification is yet another vital aspect of social learning. As educators, it is important to have an LMS that goes beyond the standard leader boards/point/level system. Number games, benefits of social media marketing word puzzles and even inter-team quiz contests at the end of every chapter or section can truly set the ball rolling and get more learners to participate, work in groups and get more engaged.Students today using social media for marketing are the workforce of tomorrow. And future workplaces are all about using modern tools of communication and collaboration to work in virtual teams spread across locations. Thus, social learning at an early age is now critical in creating a future-ready skilled workforce that is adept at self-organised learning, knowledge sharing and works seamlessly with teams.

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